💫 Big News! Please read! 💫
November, 2022 marks 15 great years! Happy Anniversary SHY!!!
Teaching yoga is my life’s work. I am filled with awe at the fabulous community we have today, one far beyond anything I dared to imagine in the studio’s opening days. Where Steamtown Hot Yoga began as a flickering spark of hope (and yes, at times, despair) inside my heart, now burns an eternal fire of gratitude that warms me to the core and inspires me daily.
The story of SHY has evolved into an epic adventure full of love, teeming with energy, and supported by unique individuals who continuously find their way into the hot room to roll out a yoga mat.
I’m grateful to all of you for every memory, shared class, and unforgettable moment.
The story of SHY’s future is now beyond my telling.
So with great pleasure, I proudly announce that today I pass the torch of ownership to our very own Lynn and Christine, who will carry SHY’s light for the next and many new adventures to come.
Christine and Lynn have been integral members of SHY’s family since 2009 with dedicated practice, SHY teacher trainings, countless workshops, advanced trainings, and international yoga retreats.
I can’t say enough kind words about Christine, Lynn, and the whole SHY team of instructors. They are the keepers of SHY’s light, her core values, and the ideals that make coming here the best part of your day!
It’s been an honor to serve these past 15 years and to connect with all of you through this practice, where we are all one.
It is my greatest pleasure to formally introduce SHY’s NEW OWNERS:
Christine Baron and Lynn Gionta,
who are ready to add some fuel to the Steamtown Hot Yoga fire.
About the Founder
Lara Alexiou
Lara has formally trained and certified with Hot Yoga Masters Bikram and Jimmy Barkan. She continues her studies with Jimmy and they closely collaborate on SHY’s Yoga Teacher Trainings.
She has also certified in Zen Yoga, Qigong, and Taoist Meditation and Healing Arts through Zen Wellness. In 2017 Lara was awarded the "Doh Yi Masters Certificate" recognizing the completion of 10,000 hours in Qi Gong training by Grandmaster Sung Baek.
In 2021 she added SUP Yoga training to her credentials through the SUP Yoga Center.
She has led workshops for Mindbody BOLD Conference, Yoga Alliance, and the National Qigong Association. She had a guest podcast on Mindbody Radio.
Please see Lara’s TEDx Talk to learn more about why yoga is an unwavering part of her life and what motivates her to share its benefits: TEDx Talk: Architecture of the Body, Mind, and Soul. She also published her book on the same topic in 2018 and it was featured in the Yogi Surprise Subscription Box.
Yanni at home in nature!
Lara with Grandmaster Sung Baek receiving her 10,000 Doh Yi Training Certificate in Dec. 2017.
TEDx Talk -Yoga, MS, and More
In 2014 Lara was a featured speaker at Scranton’s first official TED Talk forum, TEDx Scranton. Her talk, Architecture of the Body, Mind and Spirit, focused on her personal journey of healing through Yoga, and how Yoga can help others.
Watch Lara’s Powerful and Moving Tedx Talk here.
Our Logo
is the Chinese character representing TAO, often translated as “Way,” “Highest Way,” or “Path”. Here at SHY, we want you to find your path to inner and outer harmony. We chose the Tao for our logo because even though each of us walks an individual path to wellness and fulfillment, our paths can still intersect, intertwine, and enrich eachother’s own journey.